To all our Darby Residents, I wish you a healthy and happy year. I hope as a community we can come together and be a very cohesive neighborhood that works together and always thinks first “how will this affect my neighbor as well as me.”
We have some areas that we must give our attention to this year and for them to be solved it will require all of us working together as we “look at the big picture.” First our list is to resolve our parking problem. We have too many vehicles and not everyone using their designated space! Visitors who are invited to a Resident’s function in the clubhouse cannot find a parking space! Is this the way we want to treat visitors to Darby? We have a new committee that has begun working on this project, so please be understanding and work with us.
We still have some drainage problems and we will attempt to correct one or two per year. As we know “clay does not drain well.” Lets us keep our landscape pristine. We have a new landscape project underway out on our bank on Darby Drive. This one will take time and will not be completed in one planting season.
Then there are always unexpected components of our buildings that demand urgent repairs or replacements. The ultimate goal of all these projects is to keep our complex as one of the most beautiful in Whatcom County and thus insure the value of our individual properties.
Our Events and Grounds committees worked very hard and were very successful last year. We are adding two new committees this year – the Parking and Resident Communication Committees. All four of these committees welcome new Residents to join them and share in the fun of planning and helping to achieve the results for everyone. If you would like to help out, please call me or speak to one of the committee members.
As President of the Board of Directors, I look forward to meeting and working with each one of you this year.
Thelma Darling, President
Darby Estates Condominium Owners Association