Help Prevent Water Damage

Your board of directors is asking for your help in preventing water damage to your unit and the ones surrounding it. Owners are responsible for all damages connected with you ignoring the following items:

  1. Washing machine hoses and washers can work loose, weaken and split, letting water begin as small drips that over time become a flood damaging units around you. To prevent this replace the hose with one that is steel-belted and woven. (Approximate cost of $15-$20).
  2. Hot water heaters can be a BIG disaster for everyone living around you. The “useful and expected” life of water heaters is 10 years. Darby’s originals are now 12+ years and only 9 of the 228 owners have replaced theirs. Additionally, the builder did not place “drip pans” under the HW heaters. If your heater fails and damages other units you are responsible. Your Board of Directors did not raise Association dues for 2018, and have passed Resolution #2017-01 for owners to replace these original HW heaters in 2018. You must furnish written documentation by November 1, 2018, to the Association Management Company when this Resolution is complied with.
  3. All residents (owner or renter) please check on a regular basis to be sure sinks, showers, dishwashers and garbage disposals are not leaking. Also make sure these hoses are connected tightly. If you hear or discover a leak (drips that don’t shut off) call your plumber immediately. Now that the below 32 degree cold weather is here, leave cupboard doors open at night to prevent freezing. REMEMBER, a leak on the 2nd or 3rd floor can result in repairs of $19-25,000 or more to repair, as we have experienced in the last 2 years. Washing machine hoses, age of equipment, and drip pans are all items that are used in determining the settlements of insurance claims. Your board of directors will be seeking bids to see if group pricing is available on hot water heater replacement.